Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Coyote ugly...and dead in my front yard. Yes it's true. Cowboy Bob has saved the day! It came back, that brazen, wiley coyote came back about 4:45 yesterday morning and worse yet...he brought a friend! The yard alarm went off at 4:45 yesterday morning and I sprang from the bed and this time woke Mr. B. right away..he jumped up, with his man jamma's all in a bunch, but managed to stumble to the doorway, shot gun in hand.There they were, bold as can be, sniffin' around the front yard. We eased the door open and POW, the morning quiet was shattered by the thundering roar of a shot gun blast! (how's that for creative writing??) One fell, but the other one got away. We dashed to the back door and out the garage to the back yard. Nothing there, he must have high-tailed it clear to the woods. As I started for the house I felt something bump into my leg...arggggggg, it's back..did it get me??? I looked around cautiously, there at my side was the sweet, sad face of Magnolia Moses..aka Maggie. And next to her was a little yellow puddle in the snow. Bless her heart...she's so afraid of guns. "Are you mad at me??" her expressions baby, I'm not mad .Look at this bad as I feel about killing one of God's creatures, how can I not want to protect the other critters of our farm?? I mean, look at this face..(not mine, her's) does this look like someone who would be a match for a coyote. Hardly! She's wide in the hips, crippled in one leg and can't see more that 8' in front of her face..(now I'm talking about me..) but Maggie has some of the same issues.She's only about 120 lbs ( we have soooo many simularities) no really, it says so on my license. Don't challenge me on this..I stared down the lady at the license branch and I can take you!! coyote down and our little farm is safe for now. Thank you Mr. Bob!!

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